You are currently viewing Juz Amma : Expert Tips to Include in Your Kid’s Memorization Schedule

Establishing a well-structured schedule memorizing juz amma  is crucial for effective and consistent learning.Starting the way of memorizing  juz amma can be a rewarding experience for children. 

Memorizing the Quran holds profound significance in Islamic education, and 

juz amma, the 30th section of the Quran, is often the starting point for many young learners. Helping your child memorize juz amma can be a rewarding and spiritually enriching experience. In this article, we will explore expert tips to make the memorization process more accessible and enjoyable for your child.

In this article, we will explore expert tips and schedules to make the memorization process more accessible and enjoyable for your child.

The best schedule memorizing juz amma for kids

Commencing the juz amma memorization journey with small, attainable goals lays the groundwork for sustained success and enthusiasm in your child. Let’s structure the schedule memorizing juz amma by concentrating on small steps and ensuring their stabilization.

Starting your child’s memorization journey with the last surahs in Juz Amma provides a gentle and meaningful introduction to the Quran. Celebrate the small successes, and nurture a love for learning that will stay with your child throughout their Quranic education.

The Fruits of Continual Recitation

Continuous Quran Reading،,Blessing for Memorization and Enlightening the Heart

(The first week)

From day 1 to 3 Al nas, Al falaq, and Al ikhlas


Continuous recitation of every surah, recite every surah 10 times from the quran then by memory 5 times, correctly without mistakes.


Before starting the next surah starting with revising the last one, one time from mus haf, and 5 times from memory.

From 4 to 6 Al masad, An nasr, Al kafroon, and Al qawthar.


Starting with  surah Al masad read from mus haf 10 times then recite by memory 5.

After finishing, start An Nasr also 10 times then recite 5, and continue till finishing the 4 surahs.


On the sixth day recite the four surahs 1 time from mus haf and 5 times from memory.

Revision day the day no 7

Recite  the 7 surahs one 10 times from memory.

the power of revision

(Second week)

From day 8 to 14 Al maaoon, Quraish, Al feel, Al homazah,  and Al Asr.

The days from 8 to 10


Starting theschedule memorizing juz amma of this week with Al maoon the first day recites each verse 10 times then from memory five, at the end of the day recites the whole surah from memory five times.

And the second day we will memorize Quraish and Al feel


The days 9 and 10 surah al Mason before starting the next one, and the day no 10 recite each surah of the 3 surahs 5 times from memory.


Now we will start to add another duty in the schedule memorizing juz amma, and this is the revision 

Day no 8 An Nas, Al falaq, and Al Ikhlas


Day 10 Al kafroon, and Al qawthar.

The days from 10 to 14


  •  Now the  schedule memorizing juz amma for this week will contain longer surah Alhumazah so the no of surahs will be less than the first week.

Day no 1o surah al humazah from verse 1 to 5

Day 11 surah al humazah from verse 6 to 9

Day 12 surah Al asr.

Day no 13 Al kawthar


Day no 11 recite the first 5 verses of Al humazah

Day  no 12 recite the whole surah

Day no 13 Annasr 


Day 11 Al maaoon, Annas 

Day 12 Quraish, Al falaq,  and Al ikhlas, 

Day 13  Al feel, Al masad, Annasr,  and Al kafiroon.

Day 14 Al Homazah, Al Asr, and Al Qawthar.

Explore your personal approach to memorization

(Third week)

The days from 15 to 21 Al qari’ah, and  Al Adyat.

you may need to incorporate more visualized methods for our children such as mind maps in schedule memorizing juz amma to increase their ability to remember.

From 15 to 17


Day 15 Al Qari’ah from verse 1 to 5

Day 16 from verse 6 to 11


Day 16 Al qari’ah from 1 to 5 

Day 17 from 6 to 11


Day 15 Annas, Al falaq, Al ikhlas, and  Al maaoon.

Day 16 Al masad, Annasr, Al kafroon, Al qawthar, and quraish.

Day 17 Al homazah, Al feel, and Al asr.

Days from 18 to 21



Day 18 Al adiyat from 1 to 5

Day 19 from 6 to 8

Day 20 from 9 to 11


Day 19 from 1 to 5

Day 20 from 6 to 8 

Day 21 from 9 to 11


  • Now we can observe that the time that our children take to revise and memorize juz amma Is shortened.

Day 18 Annas, Al falaq, Al ikhlas, Al masad, and Annasr, and Al Kafroon.

Day 19 Al qawthar, Al maaoon, quraish, and Al feel.

Day 20 Al homazah, and Al Asr.

Day 21 Al Qariah, and Al Adiyat.

Interpretation as a valuable aid in solidifying memorization

(Fourth week)

  • Here we will start to memorize longer verses of  juz amma, so it’s preferred to take more time in explaining the meanings of verses.

Days from 22 to 28 


Day 22 surat Al bayyinah from 1 to 3

Day 23 from 4 to 5

Day 24 from 6 t9 7

Day 25 verse no 8 

Day 26  Al Zalzalah surah verses from 1 to 5

Day 27 from 6 to 8


Day 23 Al bayyinah from 1 to 3

Day 24 from 1 to 6

Day 25 from 1 to 7

Day 26 from 1 to 8

Day 26 Al Zalzalah  from 1 to 5

Day 27 from 1 to 8


Day 22 from annas till Al qawthar.

Day 23 Al maoon, Quraish, and Al feel.

Da4 24 Al humazah, and  Al Asr

Day 25 Al Qariah

Day 26 Al Adiyat 

Day 27  Al bayinah.

Time of reward

week no 5

  • Now we have almost finished a month of the schedule memorizing juz amma, don’t forget to reward your child for his great work and persistent effort, you may make a small party with a gift to encourage him.

From the day 1 to 7 surah Al Qadr, Al Alaq, Al teen, and Al sharh


Day 1 surat al Qadr

Day 2 surat Al Alq from 1 to 5

Day 3 surat Al Alq from 6 to 13 

Day 4 surat Al Alaq from 14 to 19

Day 5 surah Al teen 

Day 6 surah Al Sharh


Day 2 surah Al qadr 

Day 3 surat Al Alq from 1 to 5

Day 4 surat Al Alq from 1 to 13

Day 5 surat Al Alq from 1 to 19

Day 6 surah Al teen

Day 7 surah Al Sharh


Day 1 from Annas to Al masad

Day2 from Al qawthar to quraish

Day 3 Al Asr to Al feel

Day 4 Al takathur and Al qariah

Day 5 Al Adiyat and Al Zalzah

Day 6 Al bayinah 

Day 7 Al qAdr,  Al Alaq, and Al teen.

Memorization and Contemplation 

Week 6

Those surahs of juz amma areGod’s signs in the universe and its miracles in its creation, so it will be helpful to incorporate contemplation sessions on our schedule memorizing juz amma.

Surat Ad duha, Al lail, and Ashams 


Day 1 surah ad duha from 1 to 5

Day to surah ad duha from 6 to 11

Day 3 surah al lail from 1 to 7

Day 4 surah Al lail from 8 to 16

Day 5 surah Al Lail from 17 to 21

Day 6 surah Al Shams from 1 to 8

Day 7 surah Asshams from 9 to 15 


Day 2  surah ad duha from 1 to 5

Day 3  surah ad duha from 1 to 11

Day 4  surah al lail from 1 to 7

Day 5 surah al lail from 1 to 16

Day 6 surah al lail from 1 to 21

Day 7 surah Al Shams from 1 to 8


Day 1 from Annas to Al masad

Day 2 from Al qawthar to Al feel

Day 3 from Al takathur to Al zalzslah

Day 4 from Al bayyinah 

Day 5 Al Alaq to Al sharh

Day 6 Al Al duha 

DAY 7 Al lail 

Week 8 

Surat Al balad 


From day 1 to 6 we will memorize 3 verses every day 


We will stabilize ashams surah on the first day on this week  of the schedule memorizing juz amma, then every day we will stabilize the verses 9f the day before.


We will revise by week as we have 7 weeks completed in the  schedule memorizing juz amma.

So  we will revise each week every day.

Memorization: The Gateway to Expanding Memory Capacity

Week 9  And 10

Surat Al Fajr and Al ghashiyah

For the next two weeks of the schedule memorizing juz amma, We will memorize the verses of both surah, about 4 to 5 verses every day.

The stabilization will take place as the same technique we proceed.

And the revision will be the first day we will revise the first two weeks then one week every day.

  • As we see your memorization ability will increase gradually, your revision will be easier, and unexpectedly the time will be shorter.

We’re Almost There, Keep Sharpening the Spirit

Week 11 to 13 

From surat Al Aala to Al Inshiqaq

And the revision will be about two weeks every day.

Now almost 7 surahs remain till the end of the schedule memorizing juz amma .

Although the surahs are not of the same lengths, it will take alm9st 7 weeks, and as the number of weeks increases we will divide the numbers of weeks in revision by 7.

Now we finish our journey, what a great achievement with a great effort, our child deserves to have a celebration with a preferable type of gifts.

juz amma mishary


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Embarking on the schedule memorizing juz amma with a carefully crafted schedule focused on small, attainable steps lays the foundation for a meaningful and lasting connection between your child and the Quran. By beginning with the last surahs, we provide a gentle introduction that builds confidence, ensuring a positive experience.

Throughout this journey, celebrating each small success becomes pivotal. From the initial verses to the culmination of memorizing entire surahs, these achievements contribute to a sense of accomplishment and instill a love for Quranic learning.

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