Before we talk about the best dua for forgiveness, forgiveness is a request for forgiveness from Allah Almighty in the most beautiful terms, with the request being coupled with the name of Allah.
It involves supplication to Allah, an acknowledgment of the divinity of Allah, Blessed and Most High, and a determination to repent now and in the future for all sins and transgressions and everything that displeases Allah.
In addition, the best dua for forgiveness in islam, seeking forgiveness includes another request, which is to cover them and avoid punishment for them from the Lord Almighty. Below we will learn about the best dua in islam for forgiveness.
What is the meaning of seeking forgiveness?
best dua for forgiveness is the independence of good deeds and the desire to do them, and the arrogance of evil deeds and turning away from them. The scholars of theology said that the best dua for forgiveness in islam is asking for forgiveness after seeing the ugliness of the sin, and turning away from it.
It was said to reform the corrupt matter in word and deed. It is said: Forgive this matter, meaning fix it as it should be fixed. And seeking forgiveness according to the jurists also means asking for forgiveness. Forgiveness in the original means concealment, and what is meant by it is to overlook the sin and not be held accountable for it.
Some of them added: either by abandoning reprimand and punishment directly, or after reporting it between the servant and his Lord.
best dua for forgiveness
It is worth noting that there are many best dua for forgiveness, but among the best dua for forgiveness in islam are the following:
1- Among the best dua in islam for forgiveness (Oh Allah, I seek refuge in You from disbelief and poverty, and I seek refuge in You from the torment of the grave. Oh Allah, I seek refuge in You from cowardice, and I seek refuge in You from being returned to the most miserable age, and I seek refuge in You from the temptation of this world, and I seek refuge in You from the torment of the grave.
There is no god but Allah alone has no partner, to Him belongs dominion and to Him is praise, and He is capable of all things. Oh Allah, there is no hinderer of what you have given, nor a giver of what you have withheld, and no one who is serious will benefit from you).
2- Among the best dua for forgiveness in islam(Oh Allah, You are my Lord, there is no god but You. You created me and I am Your servant, and I adhere to Your covenant and promise as much as I can. I seek refuge in You from the evil of what I have done, and I acknowledge Your grace upon me, and I acknowledge my sin, so forgive me, for no one forgives sins except You).
3- (Oh Allah, I ask you that I bear witness that you are Allah, there is no god but you, the one and only, the one and only, the eternal, the one who did not give birth, nor was he born, and there is no one equal to him.
Oh Allah, treat us with what you are worthy of, and do not treat us with what we are worthy of, for you are the people of piety and the people of forgiveness. Glory be to Him, with whose name nothing on earth or in heaven can be harmed, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing).
4- Among the best dua in islam for forgiveness (Oh Allah, I seek refuge in You from knowledge that is not beneficial, from a heart that is not humble, and from a supplication that is not answered, O Lord of the Worlds. Oh Allah, I seek refuge in You from ignorance of affliction, the reach of misery, bad judgment, and the gloating of enemies).
best dua for forgiveness in islam
The best dua for forgiveness is a means of drawing closer to Allah Almighty, and among the best dua for forgiveness in islam there are also the following:
1-Among best dua for forgiveness in islam (Oh Allah, I ask you for the lives of the happy, for the descending of the martyrs, for the companionship of the prophets, and for victory over the enemies, O Hearer of supplications, O Possessor of speech and giving, I have turned my face to the One who created the heavens and the earth as an upright one,
and I am not of the polytheists, for my prayer, my rituals, and my life are And my death belongs to Allah, Lord of the worlds, with no partner, and with that I have been commanded, and I am one of the Muslims).
2- Among the best dua for forgiveness (Oh Allah, You are the King, there is no god but You, my Lord, and I, Your servant, blamed myself and confessed my sin, so forgive me all my sins, for no one forgives sins except You, and guide me to good morals, no one guides to the best of them except You
and turn away from me the bad ones, and no one can turn away the bad ones from me. Except You, Your Lord and Your Most High, and all goodness is in Your Hands, and evil is not Yours. You are blessed and exalted. I seek Your forgiveness and I repent to You).
3- (Oh Allah, I seek Your forgiveness for every sin I stepped into with my feet, extended my hand to, contemplated with my sight, listened to with my ears, uttered with my tongue, or wasted in it what You provided for me. Then I sought Your sustenance for my disobedience and You provided for me.
Then I used Your sustenance for my disobedience so You covered it for me, and I asked You for more and You did not deny me. And you continue to return to me with your forbearance and kindness, O most generous of the generous).
What is the difference between repentance and forgiveness?
There are many opinions among scholars regarding the distinction between best dua for forgiveness and repentance, as follows:
1-Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah – may Allah have mercy on him – believes that both seeking forgiveness and repentance are in themselves independent reasons for forgiveness, and there are other reasons such as:
a Muslim performing obedience, as it erases bad deeds, the intercession of those for whom Allah permits intercession, such as the Prophet – may Allah bless him and grant him peace -, and calamities and trials.
Which infects humans in general; Such as illness or the death of loved ones and the like, as well as the mercy of Allah with which He will have mercy on His servants on the Day of Resurrection.
2-Repentance has conditions that, if they are met, will benefit the servant in reforming his past, present, and future. If a Muslim regrets committing a sin, this leads to reforming his past, and if he gives up the sin, his present is reformed, and if he is sincere in his resolve not to return to it, his future is reformed.
As for seeking forgiveness, the basic principle is reform. What has passed with the presence of remorse, which is accompanied by fear of Allah Almighty for the sins and transgressions he committed.
And it is a type of supplication in which the servant asks forgiveness of sin and mercy from Allah or drawing closer to Him, Glory be to Him, and He stipulates the conditions of supplication for it, such as that the heart be present and not idle, along with need and humility. To Allah Almighty.
3-Repentance requires conditions in order to be achieved. It occurs when the Muslim abandons the sin while he regrets his action and is determined not to commit it again. As for seeking forgiveness, it may or may not be repentance.
If it is accompanied by acknowledgment and confession of sin, regretting it, and not repeating it, then it is repentance, and it may be in the form of best dua for forgiveness in general or just words that a person utters, such as The servant says: “Lord, forgive me, I ask forgiveness from Allah Almighty…”, so here it is called seeking forgiveness, not repentance.
4-There are several ways to seek forgiveness. It may be through the best dua for forgiveness by saying to the Muslim: “I ask forgiveness from Allah,” or “O Allah, forgive me,” or it may be through other acts of obedience with the intention of asking for forgiveness.
Such as prayer, night prayers, and the like. As for repentance, it must be accompanied by its conditions. It is not valid to repent from a sin while insisting on doing it.
5-It is not valid for one person to repent on behalf of another. As for seeking forgiveness, it is permissible for a Muslim to ask forgiveness for himself and for other Muslims.
The Holy Qur’an has commanded Muslims to ask for forgiveness, but as for repentance for others, there is no text in it. Likewise, the angels ask forgiveness for the believers, but they do not repent on behalf of any of them.
6-The door to repentance closes when it’s time expires. That is, when the gargling occurs and the soul leaves the body, and when the sun rises from the west. As for best dua for forgiveness in islam, a person may ask forgiveness for other Muslims, whether living or dead.
7-Repentance is prescribed at all times, and it is not permissible to delay it, while best dua in islam for forgiveness has absolute and restricted times, and the restricted ones are, for example, asking for forgiveness after prayer, between the two prostrations, during the pre-dawn meal, and so on.
At the end of the text, the best dua for forgiveness is one of the means of drawing close to and supplicating to Allah Almighty, and there are many forms of best dua for forgiveness in islam, which we mentioned in detail within the paragraphs of our article.