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Many people search for duas for last 10 days of ramadan, and during these nights it is recommended to pray a lot because it is a great act of worship, and we must take advantage of these days by praying a lot during the last ten days of Ramadan.

Which includes the Night of Destiny and worshiping it is better than worshiping a thousand months. Therefore, through our article, we will learn about the virtues of the best dua for last 10 days of ramadan.

duas for last 10 days of ramadan

It is worth noting that there are many forms of duas for last 10 days of ramadan, including:

1- Among duas for last 10 days of ramadan(Oh Allah, we ask you, oh our Lord, for pardon, well-being, and lasting well-being in religion and this world. We ask you, oh our Lord, for all good, in the present and in the future, what we know of it and what we do not know, and we seek refuge in you, oh our Lord, from all evil, in the present and future, what we know of it and what we do not know).

2- Among laylatul qadr dua for last 10 days of ramadan (O You who revealed the Noble Qur’an on the Night of Destiny, honor us in these blessed nights, be kind to us, and protect us from the Fire. Oh God, accept our fasting, our prayers, our supplications, and all our deeds, and let us reach, with your mercy, the Night of Decree, O Most Merciful of the Merciful).

3- the best dua for last 10 days of ramadan( Oh Allah, make us in these nights among those whom You looked at, forgave, and were satisfied with. Oh God, make us in these nights among those whom the angels greet. O Lord, accept from us and for your obedience, help us, honor us, and do not degrade us).

4- Among duas for last 10 days of ramadan(O Allah, grant me the virtue of praying Laylat al-Qadr, and make my affairs easy from hardship to ease, and accept my apologies and remove from me the sin and the burden, O Merciful to Your righteous servants).

5- the best dua for last 10 days of ramadan (Oh Allah, we ask you to raise our remembrance, relieve our burden, purify our hearts, guard our chastity, and forgive us our sins, and we ask you for the highest ranks in Paradise).

6- Among duas for last 10 days of ramadan (Oh Allah, we ask You for the good of which Your servant and Messenger, our Master Muhammad, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, asked You, and we seek Your help from the evil of which Your servant and Messenger, our Master Muhammad, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, sought refuge with You).

7- Among laylatul qadr dua for last 10 days of ramadan (Allah, the beggars stopped at your door, the poor took refuge beside you, and the ship of the poor stopped on the shore of your generosity, hoping for passage to the arena of your mercy and grace. Oh God, what knowledge, sustenance, reward, and well-being you have distributed on this night, make for us from it the greatest fortune and share).

8- Among laylatul qadr dua for last 10 days of ramadan (Oh Allah, grant us good deeds that bring us closer to Your mercy, and a tongue that remembers and is thankful for Your grace, and make us steadfast, O Allah, with firm words in this life and in the hereafter).

best dua for last 10 days of ramadan

It is advisable for a Muslim to perform duas for last 10 days of ramadan a lot on these blessed days, and there is no specific supplication on these days without others. He may supplicate whatever supplications he wants, and pray for himself goodness and blessings, mercy, forgiveness, and pardon from Allah Almighty, and that he be freed from the fire of Hell and admitted into it. Paradise, and everything in it is good for him, whether in this life or the hereafter. 

He should multiply in his duas for last 10 days of ramadan the supplications transmitted from the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and he should have the etiquette of supplication with Allah Almighty, so he should supplicate with the most beautiful words, and be careful to be diligent in supplication in the last third of the night.

The virtue of duas for last 10 days of ramadan

There is great merit in best dua for last 10 days of ramadan. The reason for this is that these days are among the best throughout the year, and every gift is magnified, and on these nights the mercy of Allah Almighty descends upon His obedient servants, and Allah raises ranks, and mistakes and sins are reduced, and people’s needs are also met, so Allah listens to what His servants ask for. 

He responds to them, rejects their questions, hears the crying of those who stand up, their insistence in best dua for last 10 days of ramadan, and their supplication to Allah Almighty, and Allah pardons the wrongdoer, and hears the repentance of those who sinned and returned to Allah Almighty.

The virtues of the last ten days of Ramadan

In addition to duas for last 10 days of ramadan. Many virtues occur during the last ten days of Ramadan, including:

1-Attaining great good deeds, good deeds, and rewards, and this is an example of the Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him -. Lady Aisha – may Allah be pleased with her – described the condition of the Prophet during the last ten nights, saying: (When the ten days of prayer came, the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, would tighten his apron, live his night, and wake up. His family).

2-It was also narrated about him that he worked diligently in the month of Ramadan in worship and obedience to a degree that he did not strive in other months. It should be noted that the Prophet’s revival of the last ten nights does not mean praying the entire night; 

As it was narrated on the authority of Mrs. Aisha – may Allah be pleased with her – that the Prophet did not pray an entire night until morning, the revival is not limited to prayer, but may be through other acts of worship, such as dhikr, recitation of the Qur’an, charity, and others.

3-The Sunnah of i’tikaf on Laylat al-Qadr and laylatul qadr dua for last 10 days of ramadan has been proven by the Qur’an, the Sunnah, and consensus, and it is considered better than a thousand months. It was not narrated that the Prophet.

May Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him – abandoned i’tikaf during the ten days unless it was for jihad for the sake of Allah, and the Companions – may Allah be pleased with them – did i’tikaf. With him, and they secluded themselves after him. Following his example.

4-The hearts are devoted to their Lord during those nights, and their attachment to Him. Fasting creates a good effect on the soul, purifies it, and brings it to the levels of perfection.

How to take advantage of the last ten days of Ramadan

A Muslim can take advantage of the last ten days and obtain great rewards through many acts of worship and obedience such as duas for last 10 days of ramadan, in addition to:

  • Doubling the effort in performing various acts of obedience; To obtain the great reward, following the example of the Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him -, as the Mother of the Believers Aisha.

May Allah be pleased with her – narrated, saying about him: (When the ten days of prayer came, the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, would revive the night, wake up his family, and tighten and tighten the apron).

  • Being generous to oneself, one’s family, and one’s neighbors, as it is recommended for a Muslim in the last ten days to be kind to his relatives and neighbors.
  • Reciting the Qur’an, studying it, and recommending it among Muslims.
  •  Be careful to repeat the well-known duas for last 10 days of ramadan. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, instructed Mrs. Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, to pray in the last ten days of Ramadan, specifically on Laylat al-Qadr. 
  • By requesting pardon and forgiveness from Allah – Glory be to Him -, she – may Allah be pleased with her – said: (O Messenger of Allah, what do you think if the Night of Decree coincides with what I pray for? He said, “You say, ‘O Allah, you are pardoning and love to pardon, so forgive me.’”
  • Do not waste the last ten days of Ramadan with distraction and heedlessness. As they are days of goodness, righteousness, and worship, a Muslim must seize them with worship and obedience.
  • Helping the family to worship and obey, and encouraging them to do so, so the Muslim must help his wife and children to take advantage of those nights; Urging them to be diligent in worshiping there, and creating an appropriate environment for obedience. Of remembrance and recitation of the Qur’an.
  • Avoid desires and pleasures; To achieve spiritual purity of the soul, and empty it for obedience and worship.
  • Ensuring seclusion in the houses of Allah, and allocating a place for seclusion away from mixing with people, as it was narrated that the Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him – secluded himself for twenty days in the year in which he was arrested.
  • Make sure to pay charity in the last ten days. Charity in the month of Ramadan is better than charity in other months. Because of the difference in time, just as charity in the last ten days is better than other times.

Because of what was reported about the preference for work and worship during it, especially during the Night of Destiny, which is considered better than a thousand months, and the Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him – was more likely to give charity in Ramadan.


The best thing that a Muslim can do in the month of Ramadan is duas for last 10 days of ramadan, because the best dua for last 10 days of ramadan are answered. Likewise, a Muslim must also perform laylatul qadr dua for last 10 days of ramadan, because of this night’s great favor in the sight of Allah.


What do we do in the last ten days of Ramadan?

There is a lot that can be done in the last ten days of Ramadan. One can recite the Qur’an, perform night prayers, read remembrances, supplicate, and pray for the Prophet. One can also seclude myself in the mosque, and pay zakat and alms.

Why did the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, strive to worship during the last ten days of Ramadan?

The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was diligent in worship during the last ten days of Ramadan in the hope of seeking Laylat al-Qadr, and to be a role model and example for Muslims of a Muslim’s diligence in worship and seeking pardon and forgiveness.

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