dua khatmul quran has become the subject of research by many Muslims during the recent period, as reading the Qurβan has great merit. It is a light that illuminates our paths with faith, and with it we raise our ranks, for the reciter of the Qurβan has a great reward from the Most Gracious. Therefore, in our article, we will discuss khatmul quran dua.
dua khatmul quran
There is no doubt that there are multiple forms of khatam al quran dua, and among the formulas used for dua khatmul quran are the following:
1-Among dua khatmul quran (There is no god but Him, who is alone in majesty with the perfection of beauty in glorification and magnification, who is unique in conjugating adverbs in detail and in generality in appreciation and management, who is exalted in His greatness and glory, who sent down the Criterion to His servant so that he might be a warner to the worlds.
And whose Messenger, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, who sent him to all the heavy ones, mankind and jinn, was truthful. A bringer of good tidings and a warner, a caller to Allah with His permission and an illuminating lamp.
He has spoken the truth of Allah, the Great, the Forgiving, the Forgiving, the Bestower of Allah, to whose greatness necks have submitted, whose tyranny has subjugated difficulties, and whose strength has yielded steadfast adversity, the Lord of lords, the cause of causes, the one who revealed the Book, the Creator of His creation from dust, the Forgiver of sins, and the Accepter).
2- Among khatam al quran dua (O Allah, have mercy on me with the Qurβan, and make it for me a guide, light, guidance, and mercy. O Allah, remind me of it that I have forgotten, and teach me of it that I am ignorant of, and grant me its recitation during the hours of the night and the ends of the day, and make it a proof for me, O Lord of the worlds.
O Allah, rectify for me my religion, which is the protection of my affairs, and rectify for me my world in which it is My livelihood, and make my hereafter good for me, which is hostile, and make life an increase for me in all goodness, and make death a relief for me from all evil).
3- Among dua khatmul quran (Oh Allah, make the best of my life its end, the best of my work its endings, and the best of my days the day I meet you. Oh Allah, I ask you for a blissful life, a happy death, and a desire that is not shameful or scandalous.
Oh Allah, I ask you for the best of asking, the best of supplication, the best of success, the best of knowledge, the best of work, and the best of reward. The best of life, the best of death, make me steadfast, make my scales heavy, fulfill my aspirations, raise my ranks, accept my prayers, forgive my sins, and I ask You for the highest level of Paradise).
khatmul quran dua
If you search for a specific dua khatmul quran, you will find many supplications, as there is no fixed formula for khatmul quran dua. Among the famous khatam al quran dua are the following:
1-Among dua khatmul quran (O Allah, give us an oath for us of your fear by which you will prevent us from disobeying you, of your obedience by which you will bring us to your Paradise, of certainty by which you will make the calamities of this world easy for us, and grant us enjoyment of our hearing, sight, and strength as long as you keep us alive, and make him an heir among us.
And make our revenge against those who wronged us, and give us victory over those who antagonize us. And do not make our misfortune a part of our religion, and do not make this world our greatest concern or the extent of our knowledge, and do not impose upon us one who does not have mercy on us.
O Allah, do not leave for us a sin without forgiving it, nor a worry without you relieving it, nor a debt except that you fulfill it, and none of the needs of this world and the Hereafter are Your satisfaction except You have fulfilled it, O Most Merciful of the Merciful).
2-Among khatmul quran dua (O Allah have mercy on me with the Qurβan, and make it for me a guide and a light. O Allah, have mercy on me with the Qurβan, and make it for me a guide, a light, a guidance, and a mercy. O Allah, remind me of what I have forgotten and teach me of it what I am ignorant of, and grant me its recitation during the hours of the night and the ends of the day, and make it a proof for me, O Lord of the Worlds.
O Allah, correct for me my religion, which He is the protector of my affairs, and improve for me my world, which contains my livelihood, and improve for me my hereafter, which contains my hostility, and make life an increase for me in every good.
And make death a relief for me from all evil, O Allah, make the best of my life its end, and the best of my deeds its endings, and the best of my days the day I meet you, O Allah, I ask you for a happy life, a happy death, and a return that is neither shameful nor scandalous).
3-Among dua khatmul quran (Oh Allah, I ask you for the best of asking, the best of supplication, the best of success, the best of knowledge, the best of work, the best of reward, the best of life, and the best of death.
Make me steadfast and heavy on my scales, fulfill my faith and raise my rank, accept my prayers, forgive my sins, and I ask you for the highest level of heaven. Oh Allah, make it ours. Healing, guidance, guidance, and mercy, and grant us its recitation in a way that pleases you).
4- Among khatam al quran dua (Oh Allah, do not make for us a sin except that You forgive it, nor a concern except that You relieve it, nor a debt except that You fulfill it, nor a sick person except that You heal it, nor an enemy except that You suffice it, nor an absent person except that You restore it, nor a disobedient except that You protect it, nor a corrupt person except that You correct it, nor a dead person except that You have mercy, and no defect).
5-(O Allah, grant victory to Your mujahideen servants in a mighty manner, and grant them a clear victory. O Allah, benefit us with what you have taught us, and teach us what will benefit us.
O Allah, grant us victory with goodness, and make the consequences of our affairs good. O Allah, we seek refuge in You from the beginnings of evil and its endings, its beginning and its end, and its inner and outer).
khatam al quran dua
In this paragraph, we mention the most famous and widely used dua khatmul quran among Muslims:
1-Among dua khatmul quran (Oh Allah, do not put between us and You in our provision anyone but You, and make us the richest of Your creation through You, and the poorest of Your servants to You, and grant us wealth that will not overwhelm us, and health that will not distract us.
And make us rich from those whom You have made free of us, and make our last words a testimony that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and let us die while you Be satisfied with us, not angry, and make us in the position of resurrection among those who have no fear and no sorrow, with your mercy, O Most Merciful of those who are merciful).
2- (O Allah, we ask You to conceal the hidden, the sincerity of the believers, the accompaniment of the righteous, the entitlement to the truths of faith, the spoils of every righteousness, safety from every sin, the obligation of Your mercy and the resolve of Your forgiveness, the victory in Paradise, and salvation from Hell).
3- (Oh Allah, reconcile our hearts, reconcile our souls, guide us to the paths of peace, deliver us from darkness to light, protect us from immoral acts, both apparent and hidden, and bless our deeds, our ages, our spouses, our offspring, our time, and our money, and make us blessed wherever we are).
4-Among khatam al quran dua (Oh Allah, we seek refuge in You from the temptation of the Fire and the torment of the Fire, and we seek refuge in You from the temptation of the grave and the torment of the grave.
We ask You for bliss that does not fade away, and the joy of an eye that does not run out. We ask You for the pleasure of looking at Your honorable face, and the longing to meet You, without harmful adversity or misleading temptation).
5-(Oh Allah, we ask you to accompany the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, to the highest Paradise, the Paradise of eternity, O Most Merciful of the Merciful. O Allah, help us and do not help us, support us and do not support us, plot for us and do not plot against us, guide us and facilitate guidance for us, and give us victory over those who transgressed against us.
O Allah, make us thankful to You, remembering You, hidden to You, weak and repentant to You, O Allah accept our repentance, and wash away our sins. Make our argument firm, guide our tongues, and make our hearts gullible).
At the end of the text, dua khatmul quran is what a Muslim says after he has finished reciting or memorizing the Holy Qurβan. In any case, no fixed formula has been reported from the Messenger, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, regarding khatmul quran dua, so we mentioned in our article the most famous khatam al quran dua.