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The science of Tajweed appeared to explain the rulings on reciting the Holy Qur’an and reading it in the correct manner that was revealed to our Noble Messenger. So scholars became interested in the science of Tajweed and tanween rules.

And the science of Tajweed was defined as: the science that is concerned with the manner in which the letters are pronounced for the purpose of perfect recitation and reading of the Qur’an, with regard to the origins of the letters, their characteristics, and the rulings related to them.

Among the most important rules of recitation and intonation are the tanween rules in tajweed. tanween: It is an extra consonant noun that attaches the last noun verbally, and leaves it with a line other than emphasis. So in the following lines we will discuss tanween rules.

Tajweed rules 

The tanween rules in tajweed are considered one of the important sciences for reading and reciting the Qur’an in the correct manner. Therefore, scholars and specialists paid attention to that science, and they made many achievements, such as issuing books regarding the provisions of Tajweed. 


Tajweed can be defined as the science that is concerned with the manner in which letters are pronounced for the purpose of perfect recitation and reading of the Qur’an, with regard to the origins of the letters, their characteristics, and the rulings related to them, such as tanween rules in tajweed.

It can be said that studying the tanween as a theoretical science, like other sciences, is considered an obligation of sufficiency upon Muslims. If some people do it in a way that achieves the goal, the sin is dropped from others. As for applying the tanween rules in tajweed for a Muslim in reading the Holy Qur’an, it comes under the rule of the specific obligation for the reader of the Qur’an.

tanween rules in tajweed

There is a group of four rulings for tanween rules in tajweed, represented by the ruling on manifestation and the ruling on assimilation, in addition to tanween rules. These four rulings are nothing but the occasional characteristics of the letter Nūn, that is, the state of which is described as sukūn.

And it is possible that the ruling on tanween rules in tajweed may be included in this, and now we will discuss each of them. 


It is a term that is defined linguistically as a statement in tanween rules. As for its definition idiomatically, it means the ability to pronounce a letter correctly from the specific articulation without causing an accent. It has its own letters, which number six, and they are as follows:

  • hamza.
  • Eyin.
  • H.
  • Ghin.
  • kha.


Linguistically, it means inserting one thing into another thing that follows it in tanween rules. As for its definition, terminologically, it means the meeting of one of the consonant letters with another vowel letter, such that they sound together as one stressed letter, and the letters associated with it have reached six, namely the yā’, the ra’, the mim, the lam, the waw, and the nūn.

These letters were combined into a word, which is (يرملون). There are many types of assimilation, as it is divided into two parts, one of which is idghaam with ghunnah, meaning incomplete assimilation, and the other is idghaam without ghunnah, and this is called complete assimilation, and each of them will be explained in some detail.

  • First: idghaam with ghunnah, which is known as the incomplete assimilation in tanween rules in tajweed, comes with a number of letters, namely the nūn, the waw, the meem, and the yā’, and they are combined in the word yuman. 

Among the following illustrative examples are the following illustrative examples: من مّاء when pronounced, it is pronounced “māmā” with the issuance of “ghana,” and also من نّصيب it is pronounced as “naseeb” with the issuance of “ghana.”

  • Second: idghaam without ghunnah, which is known as complete assimilation. This type comes with only two letters, namely the laam and the rā’. Examples of illustrative examples of it include من لّدنه, which is pronounced mlādānah, من رّزق, which is pronounced marzīq.


It is defined linguistically as the procedure of transforming a thing from its origin or face, and idiomatically it is known as the process of inverting the sakin noun or tanween into the letter meem.

But we must pay attention to an important matter in tanween rules in tajweed, which is taking into account the ghanna, and as for its special letters, it is the ba.


It is defined linguistically as concealment, but idiomatically it means pronouncing with a consonant and unstressed letter, while the adjective remains present between the adjective and the assimilation, in addition to the ghana being constant in the first letter, which is the sukhan noun, or perhaps the tanween.

The intended letter must be sung in the amount of two vowels, and concealment occurs for each of the noun sakinahs or tanween in the event that a letter belonging to the concealment letters of which the number reached fifteen letters appears, namely the Sad, Dhal, Jim, Sheen, Qaf, Kaf, Sin, Daad, Dha, and Ta, in addition to the D, Ta, and Fa.

The difference between Noun Sakinah and Tanween

Provisions pertaining to the Noun Sakinah and tanween: The definition of the Noun Sakinah in a simplified manner means that the Noun Sakinah is fixed or immovable and does not have any movement, whether it is with a fatha, a dhammah, or even a kasra, and it can be described as being fixed in the states of connection or standing.


We can find it in both nouns and verbs, in addition to letters as well, and it does not have a specific place. Its location may be in the middle of the word, or it may be an extreme located at the end of the word.

tanween rules in tajweed: What is meant by the consonant Nun that is present in excess, and is confirmed verbally and not in a written form after the presence of the movement of the other letter, and that tanween is expressed in multiple forms, reaching three, which are as follows:

  • With two dhammahs, or with two fathats, in addition to the two kasra’s, and with regard to the matter of its stability and lack of stability, it is confirmed in the case of connecting another word verbally at the end of nouns, but it leaves the word when it stops, and is never present in verbs and letters, and thus we can say that tanween is limited to nouns.
  • tanween rules is known to be one of the things that is characterized by stability and sukoon during the connection but is not static during the stop. As for the sakina noon, it is characterized by stability in the states of connection and stop.
  • tanween rules is an extra, non-basic letter, while the sukhan nūn is one of the basic letters found within the Arabic alphabet.
  • The Sakinah Noun is written and pronounced, while the tanween rules is pronounced but not written.
  • The tanween rules is found at the end of the speech, while the sakina noun may be present in the middle of the speech or even at the end.
  • tanween rules come only with nouns, while the sakina noun can be found with verbs as well as nouns.

Assimilation is what is meant by insertion linguistically. We can explain it idiomatically as inserting one letter as a letter into a second letter, and thus they go together with only one stressed letter. It is known that the word “Yarmalun” includes all the letters of assimilation.

And the rule of assimilation of the “nun” is obligatory if one of the previous letters is found after any of the “nun” Sakinah and tanween rules, and the reason for the occurrence of assimilation is the similarity and correspondence in the Noon and the closeness to all other letters.


At the end of the text, tanween rules is one of the important provisions of the science of Tajweed, and the tanween rules in tajweed are divided into four sections, which are Izhar, Idgham, Ikhfa, and Iqlab. Therefore, we have explained the sections of tanween in detail through our article.

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